Volume entritled: "Elements of Plane Geometry and also The Mensuration of both Superficies and Solids"
Volume entitled: "The Description and Use of a Terrestrial Planetarium, including the Orbits of Mercury and Venus commonly called an Orrery"
Two manuscripts in French bound in one volume entitled: "Essai sur les fers coules Pour le Roy" and "Memoire sur la fonte et la Moulage des Bombes "
Journal entitled: "Coal Journal book or Journall Scituation of the Coals of Bogie begun at Sir John Wemyss's death 19th January 1719"
Volume entitled: "The Method of Building, Rigging, Apparelling and Furnishing his Majesty's Ships of Warr, according to their Rates - with The Exact Proportion and Charge of all Things requisite thereunto"
Volume entitled: "The length of all the Mastes and yards of his Ma[jesty's] ships and Pinnaces; A proportion of cables and anchors to furnish them to sea; All their standing roapes; Dimentions of their boates; Breadth and depth of their sayles; their burthen, number of men and ordnance."
A Description of the Pneumatic Apparatus made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty
Legal document entitled 'Abstract and Schedule of Deeds relating to T S Raisbeck's Dwelling house being Copyhold'
Page 9 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases
Page 10 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases
Page 3 of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases
Cover page of indenture relating to lease and release by Thomas Kirton, Francis Reed, Edward Waldy, John Reeve, Thomas Smith and Frances Stapylton to Thomas Reed Ward, Leonard Robinson and John Rutter; and associated agreements and references to earlier leases/releases
[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]
Page 1 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith
Page 5 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith
Cover page of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith'
Page 4 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith
Page 2 of indenture entitled 'Conveyance of Lands in Stockton held by Lease for three Lives under the Bishop of Durham Mr. Reeve Mr. Thomas Smith and Mr. Rutter to Mr Samuel Smith
Note regarding £18.0.0 received from J S Raisbeck for £800.0.0 on the Sugar House mortgage to Cuthbert Burrell
Legal document granting John Stapylton Raisbeck authority to take oaths in various counties in Durham, York, Kingston Upon Hull and Newcastle Upon Tyne
Legal agreement regarding the transfer of land in the East fields; 7 acres In le Eastfeild; land at Wrydike; Corne Close and 7 acres in le Eastfeild
Legal agreement regarding transfer of land from Thomas Rudd to Joseph Claxton and Margaret Claxton at Corn Close
Legal agreement regarding transfer of land known as Corn Close, near Saltholm from John Wells and John Benton to Thomas Rudd
Petition for Thomas Raisbeck, City of Durham to Dormer Parkhurst Esq, Chancellor of the County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge
Legal agreement regarding the transfer of land from John Humble to Robert Hilton in the Ropery, West Little Field; messuage, garden/orchard, curtilag and 2 stables; and The Garth
A Description of an Apparatus for explaining the Principles of Mechanicks made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty
Instructions to the illustrator of 'A description of an apparatus for explaining the principles of mechanicks made for His Majesty King George the Third by George Adams'
Pamphlet entitled ‘The Report of Mess. Brindley and Whitworth, engineers, concerning the practicability and expence [sic] of making a navigable canal, from Stockton by Darlington to Winston in the county of Durham'